Monday, February 3, 2014

A sweet little project

So I'm not really all that excited about my Oatmeal... I mean it looks great (without the sleeves!) but it's just not right for my fluffy self. I kind of figured that would happen though. I just keep telling myself that it'll be an at home sweater and the biggest thing was that I now know the basic construction! That's huge!

So anyway, I really like fast little projects... Like hats! Little baby hats! A dear high school friend (and her hubby) are having their first baby in a few months and her baby shower was this past weekend (and I had to work :( ) soooo as I've quickly found a baby in hand knits is one of the cutest things ever... that makes it easy! A little bonnet it is!

As in true me form, I had to start over as soon as I got to the lace because I wasn't counting. The Sheep-ish yarn I chose is soft but it's very fuzzy from the knitting so I hope it blocks out... if not I guess I may shave it a bit ?? We'll see... Should have it done later today or tomorrow!

Friday, January 10, 2014

itching for another project...

I'm still knitting my Oatmeal but I have this little itch to start a pair of socks. If you look at my Ravelry projects you can see I have one lonely sock... I don't know why I never finished it's pair because it wasn't hard at all and it's mostly done... I just have to turn the heel. The toe-up pattern is super easy for beginners. So anyway I want to knit A PAIR of socks using the same pattern but doing both at the same time! I also would love to use a self striping yarn too :)  I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens... I have a gift certificate to a super cute yarn shop that I'm just waiting to use, I'm surprised I still have it in fact!

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Oatmeal

My first Jane Richmond... The Oatmeal

I've been stalking the Jane Richmond patterns since I saw one of my all time favorite bloggers knit hers... I swooned, then I learned how to knit, and I'm finally making my own.  I'm using it as my first project of the year because even though I cast on at the very end of last year I'm starting it over... So here are my notes so far and then I'm going to forget them...

Old notes:

12/27/13~ Going to pick out the yarn tonight and hopefully CO… I’m going to get some Lion Brand because it’s cheap, I can get it tonight, and it’s soft… I would totally use the rest of my green Knit Picks but I know I don’t have enough… Now for color… Navy to wear to work? Gray since it’s my favorite at the moment? Green cause it’s pretty?
Went with navy :)

1/1/14~ tried it on last night and it does in fact fit… only hit to under boobish area so there is still plenty of knitting to do. It is a very fast knit though, just wish I wasn’t so tired from the holidays so I could work on it more :/

1/4/14~ Worked about 2” of the bottom ribbing last night… I’m so sick of ribbing! I’m really liking how it looks though! I hope it looks good on me…

1/5/14~ finished all the ribbing last night and BO… tried it on and I think it’s a little short for my fluffy self :( I tried it on a bunch of times while it was in the needles too… I’m disappointed. On the plus side it looks good so I have 2 options that I’m going to think about finish the sleeves and put it away till I loose some fluff OR undo the binding, rip out all the ribbing and add to it more… I’m torn. I really don’t want to do either.

On the plus side I’m good at the sewn bind off now and I like how stretchy it is :)

1/6/14~ Update! I'm frogging and starting over!! I'm kinda happy with that decision too. I'm going to try my had at making fit better with the help of some shaping for my big boobs and hips.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Changing with the new year

I'm starting over, it appears my old soul has been giving me new ideas. I've always been told that I have an old soul, even while very young. It's something I never thought about until I had children of my own (my Buddy, Honey and Boo). It's crazy how something(s) can bring into the light that always has been. This old soul is in love with knitting! I just started in the spring of last year and already have tackled so much... washcloths, hats, socks, sweaters...

I decided that I'm going to use this as my knitters notebook and maybe add in a few other fun things going on around here :) Hope I can keep up!

<3 Nora